Sunday, November 13, 2011

Does Obama have ANY CLUE WHATSOVER as to what he's doing?

Here's the thing you're missing...the liberal media spent 8 years blaming every evil in the history of the world on GW Bush...these mindless liberals have no foresight...they heard "Hope" and got tingly feelings in their legs...they heard "Change" and they had no clue what was going to change, how it was going to change, who was going to pay for the change, or do we really need the change...the sheep just knew that Comrade O was not a republican and that was enough for them...many (not all) are now realizing just how much they screwed the pooch...some of these idiots don't really care one way or another...and some of these idiots want Comrade O and his socialist cronies in DC to keep destroying our's really that simple.

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