Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A good question that needs answers from English teachers/majors... Historians & all of you other talented ppl!

For me it would be the education system in the U.S. today. Children in the US are so far behind MANY other countries . The system we have in place today was originated as long ago as the 30`s and 40`s. The world has changed. Our kids has changed. Are kids will one day be running this country one day. Oh lord what a thought. Public schools are years behind in books and have NO technology at all ( on the most part) at least not enough to get a job in most offices. There has been so many studies PROVING that boys and girls learn differently and better learn different subjects at different ages. So why are they still both being the same subjects at the same ages ?The least we can do is give these kids a fighting chance at surviving in there generation and quit letting them SLIDE through the system just to get rid of them and put them on society with out the education to survive. Do you realize how many high school grads are now living LOW INCOME, poverty level or lower and are getting food stamps? and if they work it`s like at McDonald's. Do you realize how many of them can`t really even read well enough to fill out applications to try to get a job ? This is my one important subject

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