Saturday, November 12, 2011

George W. Bush is a fine man. Why doesn't everyone get off his back?

Everyone is all over Bush because of this war. I don't think that is fair to him. Alot of the hell we are in was set up by the Clinton presidency overlooking the bombings of the WTC and the USS Cole. When terrorists are allowed to run unchecked, of course they will go for bigger and better targets. And I have this to say, if Bush wouldn't have struck back after 9/11 wouldn't the country have stormed the White House and demanded his resignation? I'm sure he isn't happy either with the time and money spent on it, but once we were devoted to this cause, we have to see it through to the end. Plus going to Iraq doesn't have as many negatives as people say. We removed and killed Saddam and most of his top advisors. We set up a, albeit shaky, democratic government in the country. Isn't this the building block we need to begin the end of terrorism?

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