Friday, November 11, 2011

I finally quit smoking! Who else quit smoking recently? How did you do it? Was it...?

Yes it was tough, I still want a smoke from time to time, but I know if I try that one Lucky Strike again, just once I will be hooked again. I quit cold turkey. I smoked 2 1/2 packs a day of Lucky. Loved them, just couldn't’t afford them any more. I did not stop because of health. But they tell me they contributed to my open heart surgery, my Colon Cancer, my poor circulation in both legs. But that didn't’t matter, they were so good. I can be riding down the road and still reach in my pocket for a smoke. I loved them they gave them to us free in the Army in our C rations. You have to take one day at a time, and have a good reason to quit, or it won’t work Patch or no patch that is the secret. My reason I was putting out $400.00 Dollars a month for smokes between my wife and I. I told my wife if you want to continue smoking you have to pay for them. I quit on February 2 1999. I had a half a pack left, I put them up on my bureau at home, looked at them every day, after three months I threw them in the trash. To this day I have not had a smoke since, but sure would like to try one!

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