Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Is it possible to be female and maintain a close relationship with both my good guy friend and my boyfriend?

I feel like it is near impossible unless the two get along. I have constantly felt like I am being pulled in two different directions and that I have to chose between the two. The relationship with my friend is strictly platonic--nothing has ever happened romantically between us--in fact, it feels more like a brother/sister realtionship. Some other things to consider: My friend and boyfriend are, at this point, not fond of eachother. They have both made it clear that life would be much better if the other was gone. At one point, my friend offered to back off (as in, go away) but I didn't want to lose him as a friend so I asked him to please not do that. I don't know what to do b/c I love both of them and just want them to get along! It seems like it should happen naturally but it's the opposite. Also, I have looked at this from my boyfriend's perspective and know that it probably isn't easy but I guess I'm just hoping, over time, he will come around. I still want my friend and I to be friends and I still want to be with my boyfriend

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