Friday, November 11, 2011

Obama This Obama That...?

This stimulus package has nearly everyone on edge. Lets pretend for a split second YOU could actually change the decisions of our leaders. What would be the basis of YOUR utopian society? How do YOU suggest we deal with this struggling economy. Bush, along with his dad were war presidents, who went into office with a preconceived personal agenda that ultimately DESTROYED this country. We weren't fighting for Kuwait's rights to be solely based on a democratic society in the Desert Storm war. "We" were fighting to prevent Iraq from monopolizing crude oil. Never before had the country spent as much money to fund ridiculous scandals prior to Bush in the 90's. As a nation we were already trying to cope with the extremities inflicted by Regan. Everyone keeps talking about the stimulus package, I've not heard anyone mention that Obama is extracting tactics used during the Great Depression, you know like rapping the infrastructure tax in hopes to provide jobs for white collard workers/construction crews. He's not going to appease the ideals of EVERY american, that's the solid truth. However, when you have a deprived economy traditional methods become obsolete. Keep in mind too, that he's bipartisan, and has enlisted the advice of our good friend McCain. I wonder if McCain would have did the same. So, this is a golden opportunity for whomever to give insight as to how this country to be conducted.

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