Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Which Pokemon game is presumably better?

Well, for DS, the two games I'm refering to are Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl. Which one is better, and why?

Regarding legal immigration to the USA?

It is true that many of the legal immigrants who came to the USA were the worse of their cl in their countries? I'm asking because SOME people say that because their ancestors came legally they are the best patriots in America. I was told that mafia families came thru Ellis Island, is that true? Please, no racist answers and no insults. Try to be educative about USA Immigration.

My baby was eaten by an alligator. Help!!!?

Me and my husband are vacationing in Tampa and we went off to take some pictures of the beach. We came back and there was an alligator where we left our baby and it coughed up one of her arms! What should I do to this monster!?

Does Internet Explorer have issues with CSS?

IE does have some CSS difference, but it shouldn't just display a blank page... not like that. They usually just have improper overflows. So I'm sorry, I do not know why it is doing that.

What was the reason why the edmund fitzgerald sank 35 years ago?

It hasn't been officially solved but the coast guard once blamed the crew, saying they failed to fasten the hatches properly.

Who will make a better Pro?

Depends on the offense that they are put in.I don't think Brady Quinn is any better then a west coast offense quarterback. and I'm not exactly sure on Sanchez quite yet. He may have came out of college a little too early...

Which of these are safe to uninstall from my sony vaio laptop?

I've just spent an hour removing everything that Sony had installed and everything still works fine :)

How can a person achieve enlightenment?

there is a switch on the wall, if it doesn't `work, try the breaker, What exactly do you seek enlightenment about? Life? religion? ? what???? Look inside yourself , if the answer you seek is`nt there? Provide moore info, live long..................

I'm coughing up small pebble like objects from lungs. Whats going on?

my brother has cystic fibrosis and that happens to him a lot. i would go to the doctor, they will definitely tell you whats wrong.

Cold air intake for 07 altima?

I have a 07 2.5sl altima. I am wondering if there is a cold air intake for it. I have checked some site and there was only one short ram intake from injen. Is there a nismo cold air intake for the altima? I read some forums, and it says the car doesn't have enough space for a cold air intake. But still I still perfer a cold air. Is nismo coming out with a cold air or just a short ram? I know nismo is always the best brand among all other companys, but besides nismo, what brands of intake is the best? Fujita, Injen, AEM,.....?

A good question that needs answers from English teachers/majors... Historians & all of you other talented ppl!

For me it would be the education system in the U.S. today. Children in the US are so far behind MANY other countries . The system we have in place today was originated as long ago as the 30`s and 40`s. The world has changed. Our kids has changed. Are kids will one day be running this country one day. Oh lord what a thought. Public schools are years behind in books and have NO technology at all ( on the most part) at least not enough to get a job in most offices. There has been so many studies PROVING that boys and girls learn differently and better learn different subjects at different ages. So why are they still both being the same subjects at the same ages ?The least we can do is give these kids a fighting chance at surviving in there generation and quit letting them SLIDE through the system just to get rid of them and put them on society with out the education to survive. Do you realize how many high school grads are now living LOW INCOME, poverty level or lower and are getting food stamps? and if they work it`s like at McDonald's. Do you realize how many of them can`t really even read well enough to fill out applications to try to get a job ? This is my one important subject

I need help translating Swahili . . .I think?

Hi...I'm a native Swahili speaker the only Swahili word there is "wa" which only means "of". That comment was not written in Swahili

Should i accept this trade?

No. You're loaded at WR already, and when bye weeks come along, not to mention injuries, your depth at RB is lesser. McFadden is going to be giving up carries to Bush, probably starting this week. Also, you have trade bait with Big Ben. You'd never start him over Manning, and you don't need to take up a bench spot just for a bye week plug in.

How does one, begin to get their 'head around' the horrific gun shooting incident at Fort Hood, Texas ?

The American people should start listening to other peoples views, opinions and philosophies, just because the rest of the world does not agree with your simple and blinkered outlook is no reason to get all upset when reality strikes, get used to it, .... more on the way folks !

Do you think he's seeing me in a different light?

We've known each other for 4 years, I spend half at his place. I guess it's a friends with benefits type setup - or more a relationship without the label. I see him as my partner. When I am at his place he always cooks for me And looks after me. Lately, we had been arguing over stupid little things that weren't worth arguing about. Anyway, he went away for 4 days on a riverboat trip with the boys. Reception was patchy but I did get a few messages from him telling me he missed me (he's the anti-romantic type, he's 10years older and has been really hurt in the past, and I think due to his really horrible childhood he has abandonment issues). He said he had been wandering around the boat, trying to get reception so he could call me. When they got back closer to civilisation, he called. After getting off the phone he sent me a message saying 'it's so good to hear your voice'. A few days after he got back, he picked a fight because I asked if he could get the ball off my piercing, and He felt that I cared more about that than the lovely roast he had cooked for me. He said 'I'm trying, because I really missed you while I was away', he has also been inviting me around to visit on nights I don't usually see him, and He said the other night 'I would ask you to stay if I had food' (end of tHe payweek, we were both broke!). It's certainly not about because that doesn't happen all the time. He said before he went away 'it is how it is but that doesn't mean you can sleep with someone else', I said 'likewise!'. But I feel he's changed and for the better, He was cuddling me in bed the other night, something he doesn't normally do. Do you think the time away has made him realise that we are right for each other? I feel like, aside from the silly argument, he is trying to be more tolerant and easier to get along with! His brother asked him why we don't move in together, and the only excuse he gave was that I have too many debts to be able to afford it right now...thoughts??

Is it possible to save up your fart gases, to power your home gas heating system?

I was thinking of Patenting this invention years ago but the prototypes I built all had one problem...a pilot light. After the 3rd 'backdraft' I decided to put my efforts into harnessing livestock flatulence. The cows aren't very cooperative but the sheep seem to enjoy it.

Who are the real anti-americans?

Not you. You are a real Republican. The others are just extremists. I hope that there will be a change in your party in the right direction because politics is about competition and most of all about issues. If there was only one political party there won't be any movement and progression.

I don't know what to do about my boy problems!?

Okay, so my boyfriend (lets call him Cam) of 8 months, is the best. We've had some rocky time but our relationships so strong we've been through so much. Today on Facebook, his friend (lets call him Brandon) apparently was looking through my pictures. He commented on one of them saying "hmmmm haha" i said "hmmm what?" he said "i dunno lol i cant say what i wanted to put" so then he messaged me and started flirting. He was saying how i probably dont like him but he thinks i looked good in the picture. And apparently he found out about the time when i called him kinda cute at his and Cam's baseball game. He then said that it was kinda awkward we were talking because i have a boyfriend and he doesnt want Cam to hurt him. But i really dont see a problem with talking to him because no one could ever make me change the way I feel about Cam. (btw Cam knew all this was happening because i was telling him what I and Brandon were saying) Now, me and Brandon are texting...and he seems kind of interested. I know i dont wanna go out with him and i do not wanna seperate from Cam. But I truly think Brandons really hot and I've even thought about him being my boyfriend a few times. I KNOW that i do NOT want him as my boyfriend however, and I should stay with Cam. But i dont know wether or not i should tell Cam how Ive been feeling. He tells me everything...and I feel really bad about keeping this from him...but i dont want him to get mad and break up with me because he thinks i have strong feelings for another man. What do I do?!?!?

Who was the best World Heavyweight Champion????

chris benoit no doubt, i know what he did was wrong, but he still deserves to be talked about and i know he was a really good champ, so yeah its definitely chris.

Would listening to music while writing make you think more?

I was told by someone else on Yahoo! Answers not to listen to music while sleeping unless it's a soft song or you need a lullaby because it stimulated the brain. Does that mean listening to music will make you write better if you do the two simultaneously? I'm pretty sure it's true that listening to music stimulates he brain because i find it harder to fall asleep sometimes when listening to music.

Question about Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata?

The Moonlight Sonata is in C sharp minor, but the 2nd movement, for some reason, is in D flat major. Anyone know why is that?

I want to be a writer in the style of Ambrose Bierce or Poe or Emerson?

how do i go about doing that, i have a lot of things to talk about, i have the ability to make acute observations and describe them...i also see things as they are...

Should i get my sometimes romantic friend a gift?

k so the story is.......ive been talking to this man for a year weve been off and on. i do care about him though. hes soldier and i know hes a good man deep down inside because ive seen it. i dont know what his problem is right now. i would like for him to step up to the plate and be a man. tell me whats going on. but i dont think hes capable of it or if he is he wont. but either way even if we never get to together ill always think of him as my friend. ill also always be here for him. but i adore him so. i have feeling he doesnt have anything really nice. he loves the cowboys. i remembered as a little girl my dad had a wool varsity jacket with his favorite team on it. wool jackets r clics. theyll never go out of style and i was thinking of getting him one. not for any other reasons than id just like him to have something nice like that, that he can hold on to till hes old. i dont even know if hed like but he could sell it i dont even care. i dont even plan on telling him its from me. because ill be embared if he knew it was. i dont want to be thanked if he likes it and i dont want him to think im being a pushover if he doesnt trying to impress him or anything. i simply just want him to have it because i think there nice and hed look good in one and there expensive and last forever.

Stretch marks at 28 weeks...?

So I know everyone asks what they can do to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, but I know if you're gona get get them...lol you're gona get them. I started to get stretch marks at 27 weeks, Im short, so my belly has nowhere to go but out. I have 5-6 on either side of my belly, slightly purple, the tops of them being right at my belly on. Whatever happens, its worth it to have my son, but I would like to know by other peoples experience and knowledge, am I going to look like a roadmap by the end of this pregnancy because I got them so early??? Most people dont get them till 35 weeks or later. I also have been putting Palmers cocoa er for stretch marks on them each day, and Strivectin. Thank you!!!

Did you see Marion Jones apologize for lying about her sreroid use ?

I did and I wonder if she will be nominated for an emmy next time around for all the 'wonderful acting and fake tears she shed ' . Did she win any of her medals in a relay event ? If she did will the others in the race have to give up their medals also ?

What is stronger nitric acid or hydrochloric acid?

Hydrochloric acid is stronger than nitric acid, which is why the second equation is correct. The HCl donates its proton to the sodium nitrate.

A interesting question based on scientific theory?

first of all what I'm asking is all completely theoretical its I'm not crazy i just am interested in this idea so anyway when i was watching a scientific movie a scientist gave a theoretical idea that every thing we see is false and what is truth coexists with us but is invisible and this isn't just a random theory it's backed with some proof i guess you could say in a way the native Americans right before they encountered the English they noticed ripples in the water but the ships were invisible to them this is because the brain can only process what it already knows there making it effectively invisible to the eye so if we don't of the truths existence then how could we see it and if that's truth then what we know is false that's what the scientist said anyways so it made me think and just finished watching terminator (great movie) with my friend i kept yzing it some of It's ideas made me remember the theory so back to the point what if you not just believed knew this world is a fake could you bring in truth i thought about that and i decided first of all it would take a tremendous amount of power to go against what your brain thinks its seeing even if you could wouldn't you need to know what truth would look like which should nearly if not impossible putting those problems aside if you were somehow able to would you alone go to truth or would you end up bringing everyone with you would you ever be able to come back to are false world and could truth be heaven that just jumped into my head when i was typing maybe the light at the end of the tunnel is the tunnel to truth aka heaven and thinking about the movie terminator i just mentioned if truth exists truth really could be anything it could very well be a world where robots are controlling us and they put us in this fake world but again I'm not saying that's true I'm just giving a wide range of ideas so yeah if your reading this please reply back and give a mature response to the subject and tell me what you think I'm curious to see what other people would think about my idea

Should i be expecting him to contact me?

you are no stranger to being a mom, but he is totally new at being a dad.. he also may be a bit intimidated by you, and your strength to go it alone, or with someone else, and not bother him. I think he needs to feel needed in some way, before he steps up. Also, if he doesn't have a job, he probably won't help you financially, and he is seeing these other women with hopes he can move on, but as you see, in fact he cannot.. not enough room to say more I guess.. Good luck 2 U, and get in touch with him.. Lay off all men for a while, and focus on the little ones you have who will be with you forever! You are their hero!

How long do I wait before calling?

I e-mailed the school administration in Kuwait and asked them o p my contact information on to my old teacher. It has bee a couple of days. How long do I wait until I call the head f the second department and ask to tak to her? I haven't talked to her in 4 years, and she was my favorite teacher, and I really want to say hi.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Does getting a tattoo damn me and forbid me from entering heaven?

its not a gothic tattoo just symbolic of things i want to remember bout my childhood things i never want to forget. im leaving for college full of new starts and i want to have these things close to me always.

Is it possible to have black hair????

my friend told me that its impossible to have black hair unless you dye it black is this true and if i say so and so has black hair he says its just really really really really really dark brown is this tru or not???

What are the most annoying habits your neighbors have?

Old geezer is watering her garden in an ancient bikini .................I mean she is watering the garden on the side of the boundary wall facing the street. Too disgusting, feel embarrased when I have friends over. Other neighbour shouts at my dogs when they are barking like SHUT UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP and they the hardly ever bark.

Songs for a young rock/indie band to cover..?

I am in a rock/indie band at school and i was just wondering if anybody could give me any song ideas we could use to cover. The previous bands we have covered is arctic monkeys, mgmt, the kooks, foo fighters and bloc party. I would like some ideas for a slow song, for example we covered naive by the kooks but put halo by beyonce as the chorus which made a lovely slow acoustic song. I am a female singer by the way.

Are there any scholarships for people who are part aztec or lebanese?

Since your mother is Lebanese and I ume Mexican (Aztec), you could apply for the Asian-American Scholarship and the Hispanic Scholarship Fund.

Zombiesworn deck help?

Maybe you should get reborning spells or traps.. like call of the haunted or monster reborn.. those could help you with your synchro's.. and you should put karma cut and threatening roar in your deck. But awesome deck 8/10.

Bugs in my kitchen look like mouse droppings?

There are small bugs that reappear in my kitchen. I know they are bugs and not mouse droppings because some of them move on their own. Any ideas?

Need help to find a name for a newspaper article! 10 points for best answers!?

I need help to wirte the title of a newspaper article explaining Julius's Caesar's Conquest of Gaul and Julius Caesar Crossing the Rubicon. They have to be two separate titles like "Caesar crosses the Rubicon!". Any other more appealing ones?

I had blood in my stool?

hi im a 21 year old male and tonight i went to the toilet and did a num 2 and i noticed when i wiped there was bright red blood but it was not in my poo anyways the past few days ive had a itchy bum hole and i wanted to know what it could be!!! could it be hemroids??? because my dad and my sister both have them and i havnt got any pain when i push down on my gut or anything

Which rb is better fantasy wise?

Keep Parker and dont let go. by the way i love how u had 2 change ur name from mangini quinn to mangini anderson haha. Best answer?

Online Computer Game Tester Job?

Like the other person has said, you must be 18+ to be a paid game tester, must be an employee of the company, have a college degree, and be able to determine issues with the game and possibly even the steps needed to resolve them. Most of the time you will be writing reports and not actually playing the game. The pay is also extremely low contrary to what those random internet ads and emails tell you.

Do you ever just want to scream when total stupidity is running our country?

It amazes me how 300 million people will put up with the BS of less than 1000 people in Washington D.C.

Chem helppp???

Yeah its hydrogen. Just look at the oxidation states, and remember OILRIG. Oxidation Is Loss | Reduction Is Gain.

Is it safe to take ephedrine (responsibly), be on atkins AND have ado cardio/weight lift?

I'm 28, 5'9" and weigh about 240. I'm obviously overweight. I'd like to stack Atkins/Ephedra for a jump start. i don't plan on taking ephedrine long term. I understand that it's sale is banned but i do have connections.

How bad is it for a guy from Syria to have a child with a Latin gal out of wedlock?

The guy doesn't want anything to do with the baby. He basically ran off and left the girl with it all. So the girl wonders if it's really that bad for him to have gotten someone pregnant out of wedlock. I don't know if the guy is Muslim or something else.

What can I do to reach people without provoking them and make my message, which is pointed, more palatable?

It has been my ambition to bring awareness to the realities of a long ignored and confused debate. That of WMT's profiteering from and aid to the COMMUNIST regime in China in order to undermine domestic labor and avoid living wages with BOTH Clinton's indepth participation for over 20 years. They have equipped the largest standing army ever arrayed to oppose human freedom o this earth in today's PLA from an ineffective, illequipped and unorganized force only 15 years ago! Hillary in particular has had a most prominent an unseen role in enabling this to happen, a fact I am aware of as a 20 yr WMT insider. How would you tell this story? Thank you for your consideration and suggestions.

Why are LINUX project names?

So systems like Solaris, CUTER, Isis, CP/M and SOL don't turn you on? They turned the computer industry from off to on.

If catholicism where true, why can other religions religions perform exorcisms effectively?

When you hear about exorcisms in the united states, it normally involves a catholic priest rebuking a demon in their god/ prophets name. why would exorcisms be just as effective in primitive african and south american tribes where the religions are completely different? do you think the exorcism should be effective if the demon is being rebuked in the name(s) of 'faulty' gods and prophets? do you think claims of possesion and the exorcising of demons is just a religious behavior, and thats why it is irrelevant what religion is being used?

A question for Pagans familiar with the Greek God Dionysus?

I think you are either on some serious cocaine or are suffering from schizophrenia. Please go see a doctor

Spiritually Speaking™ If creationism is true ... why did God put™ two scoops of raisins in every box?

You know it's true! The Raisin bran evolved from plain flakes and then they added raisins and then they added more until it was two scoops and now they have those crunchy ones. Creationism? No, friends. EVOLUTION!!! Read it and weep! (pace FYOP... a plagiarist is what I am... you just inspired me!)

Madden 2009 Rosters Question?

On my version of madden 09 for da ps2 there is no brett favre no dennis dixon or no colt brennan etc., but some rookies like joe flacco, darren mcfadden etc. are on there Is ther somthing wrong with my game

(Christians and Muslims) Would you let your child play with a group of gay kids???

yes i would allow my children to play with gay kids. last time I checked ity is something you are born with not infectious lol but if your kiddies got the chicken pox stay away

Sunday, November 13, 2011

David Tepper of Appaloosa Management is implicated in wamu insider trading. Why is he attacking a shareholder?


What are the best brands for flat irons?

I think Conair's work the best from low to high end. It's not the brand so much as what type of straightener you get. I recommend ceramic and stay away from the wet/dry ones. You'll need to spend over $100 for a good one, but it'll last a good 7 to 10 years.

Electoral political crime in Brazil. I need to seek political asylum in another country. How to precede?

Just stay where you are, you have nothing to contribute and may only become another burden to US tax payers. Do you think we should be your guardians? Maybe you should try Angola or Portugal instead.

How do you seriously??

Haha ! You go girl. Shes just a lonely bi*ch who wants to be back friend with you because she is jealous of you and realizes what a di*k she has been xXx

Where can I find really small 2 way radios?

There are FRS radios (Motorola EM1000, Midland makes some... and others) that should meet your measurement specs when the cases are removed. Of course, their warranty is void when you pop them open...

Why won't democrats allow a former science advisor to Prime Min Margaret Thatcher to testify w/ Al Gore?

How very typical. No opposing or real evidence allowed if it contradicts the "official" opinion of a pseudo scientist in political favour.

What are some songs where the band mentions their own name…?

''Wanted Man'' Ratt , ''Calling Dr.Love'' Kiss , ''Bawitabaw'' Kid Rock , ''What's Your Favorite Color ?'' Living Colour , ''For The Love Of Money'' Bullet Boys , ''Who Are You ?'' The Who , "R.A.M.O.N.E.S.'' The Ramones (Motorhead cover) , ''Bad Company'' Bad Company , ''Talk Talk'' Talk Talk

Why is my cat suddenly acting aggressive and attacking my male cat?

Cats will swat at each other a little when they get annoyed, so I wouldn't worry too much about the situation wih your younger black cat. As for the serious fights going on between the other two, They need to be separated. Can't tell you what's going on with your white cat. Is she fixed? Some females get very aggressive when they're going into heat. It's also possible that she has something medically wrong with her, so you might consider having her looked at by a vet before you make the decision to give her away.

How would I start a convo wif him! Best answer gets ten points!!!!!!!?

I like this guy. Were both really shy so it's taking us a while to get there. How would I approach him. What would I say without him freaking out. And how can I start more convos between us. Some time he finds courage suddenly and asks me stuff he has given ne a nickname and asks for help from me. He teases me about this thing that happened ages ago and he stares at me during cl and at recess and lunch. Does he like me. Am I on the right trak. How can I speed things up a bit without asking him out imeadietly wif out given him enough time. It's been around a month. Help me.

Freeview digital television availability - england?

i cant access freeview it only lets me have a few channels. i just phoned the bloke who fitted my old ariel and he says i need another ariel. its going to be �85. is he ripping me off??

Any Bands Similar To.......?

Do you guys know of any bands possibly similar to Disturbed,Breaking Benjamin,Three Days Grace,Seether,Drowning Pool,5FDP,Evanescence,Linkin Park,Marilyn Manson,MCR,Muse,Papa Roach,Red Hot Chili Peppers,Rise Against,System Of A Down,Shinedown,Slipknot,The Offspring,Tool,Weezer,Trapt

Easy way to make a round roast in a crock pot with carrots and potatoe?

I want to make a round roast with carrots and potatoes but i want to do it in my slow cookerr. I have no recipe and wonder if anyone on here had a good idea. Not fancy just some good old fashion meat veg and potatoe. Basically like grandmas cooking but only not in the oven..or even if i could get close..I have never cooked one before. Any help at all is appreciated.


This is kind of odd to ask about in summer, but does anyone know where i can find ROXY Snowboards somewhere where I dont have to shop online? Basically do you know of any sporting good stores that sell them?

Do you know about outsource, offsource, freelance please help me?

What is the kind of job that the companies want to employ the foreign employess (such as; US company employee Vietnamese employees for low wage) for drawing graphic, 3D, CAD. Is it outsource or offsourc or freelance…I am confusing 3 of them, can you diffrentiate them for me. I want to find some websites that provide the information about the company want to find the foreign employee to draw graphic, 3D, CAD or something which is related to designing. Can you give me some links. Thank u very much

Refridgeration doubt?

is freon 22 a harmful substance when inhaled or consumed?? if we can create a system where freon 22 NEVER leaks, will it serve as a good refridgerant?? in my knowledge, freon 22 is a CFC and it create ozone depletion when leaked into air. is it true??and is there any other info that would be useful??

Does Obama have ANY CLUE WHATSOVER as to what he's doing?

Here's the thing you're missing...the liberal media spent 8 years blaming every evil in the history of the world on GW Bush...these mindless liberals have no foresight...they heard "Hope" and got tingly feelings in their legs...they heard "Change" and they had no clue what was going to change, how it was going to change, who was going to pay for the change, or do we really need the change...the sheep just knew that Comrade O was not a republican and that was enough for them...many (not all) are now realizing just how much they screwed the pooch...some of these idiots don't really care one way or another...and some of these idiots want Comrade O and his socialist cronies in DC to keep destroying our country...it's really that simple.

Is it fair to say most Christians here believe the earth is less than 6k years old?

I wish they reminded us more so I could cast their arguments into the irrelevant pile before I read them. This section seems to be 90% evangelicals and 9% catholic and 1% rational as far as Christians. I don't mind the rational ones which I seem to encounter more often in real life.

What was your average speed?

You are driving home from school steadily at 95 mph for 150 km . It then begins to rain and you slow to 63 mph . You arrive home after driving 2 hours and 20 minutes.

Where can i buy the Paul Frank Orange Julius bike?

here is a place to get one: a href="http://www.performancebike.com/bikes/TopCategories_10052_10551_-1" rel="nofollow"http://www.performancebike.com/bikes/Top…/a they sell them and so do I. This bike is made by Nirve and if you go into a store or call them they can order one for you. You may also have an authorized Nirve dealer in your area so check around and see what you have if there is no Performance close to you.

How do I replace my DRL light bulb?

My dashboard console displays "Right Front Dipped Beam Defective". Looking at the front, it look like my DRL light bulb is burnt out. I need step by step with pictures on how to replace this bulb. After taking it into dealer, they said that I "may" have xenon lights and those bulbs are more expensive and they would have to take out the bumper to get at the housing unit to replace the bulb and "balance" the unit. Is this a crock or is he telling me the truth? I don't recall buying the vehicle w/ xenon lights and no where on my purchase contract that it says I have them.

How do u like the names?

Yes for Lily, Alyssa, Aurora, Kristen, but not so much for the other girl names. I like all the boy names except Carlisle, but Cameron is adorable!

How can I change the attraction to my friend?

its sounds like your emotionally attracted to your friend,because she is there for you all the time.But you can't change who you like,try to spend more time with your boyfriend and getting closer to him.

How can they declare a winner to a state when less than half of the votes are in?


Okay im going to a my chemical romance concert soon....?

haha. i love you amanda. but yeah. o posted a smiilar queston just like a second ago because i dont know what to put. so yeah. =]]]

People didn't care about religion...they just get it like that from their parent.?

I think it is time to make a research for the United Nation to have a team that Investigate & Refine & select the most true religion for all human to obey........for being a united human...i guess

My wife and I are 5 days into taking the pacifiers away from our 34 month old but are having a tough time.?

When kids get older/more mature they sometimes get more priviliges, get to do big kid things. We used this logic for potty training, that we would only bring potty trained kids to Wiggles World . So along with being proud of being big, there was a reward - somewhat of a bribe - I like to call it more of a life's lesson. You could also try something with a chart - stars for nights that he sleeps well.

What is that sonq about . "make the trap say aye" by oj da juiceman.?


Everyday, or every other day?

I know when TTC it is recommended to BD every other day... but is that only for men with lower sperm counts? My husband got back from his deployment at the end of may, and pretty much every day we've BD'ed. He has the drive, with no problem performing... will this actually make our chances of conceiving less?

A sarcastic or sharp remark....?

i have an insanly large crossword puzzle.. and I have NO clue what " a sarcastic or sharp remark" could be.. its 4 letters... UGGHHHGHG

My girl friend and I always argue about our future. I need a solution.?

I understand your frustration completely. I think it's a little too late for her to be second guessing the decisions you have made together. If she agreed to go to New York--then she needs to follow through. I think it may be the fear of the unknown with her, which is why she is getting edgy. Just let her know that everythings going to be alright and that no matter what you're going to be there for her and see her through. I don't think she wants to stay in Florida but i do think she may be worried about building a new life. As long as she has you by her side--you guys already have your foundation. You can go from there. Let her know that. She may be comfortable with her lifestyle in Florida but stress to her the opportunities for the both of you in New York. I know it's hard--and making her understand your frustration is even harder but just keep a positive head (you and her both) and i wish you the very best of luck! :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

When you rearrange the letters you get:?

Did you actually come up with all of these? You have WAY too much time on your hands...and apparently so do I for reading it! ;)

Could i still become a police officer? Machusetts...?

I have a dui and an ault and battery (two separate incidents, both got continued without a finding) and i was just wondering if it were still possible to become a police officer. im a vet, if that means anything now due to the judicial problems.

Can someone interpert these dreams?

I wouldn't be bothered by these dreams, they are normal. There isn't really anything to them. Just don't worry about them. I once had a dream that I followed kim possible and then I had to fight a giant cat. So far, that hasn't happened so don't worry about it.

Will you do me the honor of reading and commenting on my poem?

Regarding genius's remarks about 'one', even at a quick reading I can see that "in One immersed", the One referred to is Christ, hence the capital. "As one, immersed" refers to the subject being immersed in the "One" - two separate "ones" in other words. A reference to baptism perhaps, figuratively, if not in the literal earthly religious sense. You see, there is no actual English word for the Greek word "baptizo", which means "immersion". When the King James scholars were translating the New Testament, they couldn't translate the word, so merely transliterated it instead. Hence my belief that the writer of this fine poem is referring to baptism of some sort. (In his use of the word "immersion", at least.)

Malaysian Justice At Work?

Hi grendeth, I totally agree with you. Thats why separation of powers between executive and judiciary is crucial, and that draconian laws like ISA that allow detention without trial are abolished. Yeah, tell me about it....it took Malaysians (from 5 states anyway) to wake up, after 50 years! Talk about slow progress....

Which is better for a new 1080 hlp TV, blue ray or 1080 high def disk player?

I think you are getting mixed up in terminology here. BOTH Blu-Ray and HD-DVD are High Definition formats. Since HD-DVD is no longer made you are better off with Blu-Ray. They are both 1080 players.

How do u make a parachute?

Cut a circle out of the fabric you intend to use. The less porous the fabric is, the slower it will descend. Simply attach strings at equal points around the fabric. Run the string through a hole in the fabric and then knot the end of the string to the string itself. At the other end, attach the strings to something that that has some weight to it. Try cutting a hole in a gfruit just big enough to insert the egg. Attach the strings by running them through the peel and securing the string back on itself. Before you throw the gfruit wrap the string around the gfruit and fold the fabric into as small a package as you can. This will allow the gfruit to gain altitude before the fabric catches air. You will have to experiment with that part to get the 4 secs.

What are your Opinions of Carmen?

I love the name, and don't think it's Spanish decent. A name is what you make it and I think it'd be cute on a girl with red hair.

Real Estate Legal Advice?

Do you have an executed doent stating that you are the official broker on record for this specific property purchase (such as a buyer representation agreement)? Or at least a section in the LOI, stating the brokers involved in the transaction? If you have one, and it is dated prior to a similar doent that the other broker may produce, then you are entitled to the commission. If you don't have a signed agreement, you may be out of luck.

Fergie? ewwwwwwwwwwww?

Okay first of all 40 is not old and if she is 40 im sure shes one of thee hottest 40 year olds out there. And i dare say shes prolly hotter than umm..You..She is both beautiful and talented. You must have some sort of jealousy towards her to actually waste 5 points on a non-sense comment. Next question please. Oh Btw-thanks for my 2 points.

My typing skills for cash?

If you have well typing skills and you are desire to make reasonable amount by just work at home, it is an online job in which you can make money online by just work at home, then for you online working might be right. Because many companies are hiring people and ign the typing work at home.

Does anyone that is learning Islam feel this way?

I'm Christian and not learning Islam but I have had some extremely rude answers to my questions. I wouldn't worry about it, some people are just mean.

BROTHERS MFC 665 CW fax, answer phone, copier, scaner,speaker phone not good..any input?

I purchased a brothers MCF 665 CW fax answer scanner, but the speaker phone with its settings at the highest, is too low to hear. Anybody out there with same problem. How did it hold up.

Wow! Talk about mercinary tactics?

The far right of the Republican party, i.e. conservatives, evangelicals, neocons, etc. are prepared to throw John McCain under the electoral bus because he doesn't subscribe to there far right agenda. They don't seem to consider that the main stream of the Republican party supports him. Is this a case of the far right throwing a fit? Are they taking their ball and going home just because they don't get what they want? Are they that selfish? Ann Coulter says she will vote for Hilary rather than McCain; their messiah Rush Limbaugh berates McCain at every chance. Is the far right fracturing? Are they tearing each other apart? Is this because their right wing coalition is based on negativity and pressuring others in the party to bow to their agenda?

Why do I have such strange reactions to alcohol?

Every time I drink alcohol, I experience these reactions; I become very flushed and have fever-like symptoms, where I'm very warm but shiver almost violently. I get extremely nauseous within the hour, and throw up. My heart rate increases ridiculously and sometimes I even get congested. The more concentrated the alcohol the worse my reaction is. Could I possibly have an allergy or am I just really sensitive to it or what?

Is there a song that whenever you hear it, you immediately think of another song?

whenever i hear Blue October's new song Dirt Room i think of AFI's God Called In Sick Today because they sound the intro sounds the same


Just talk things through, and tell him how you feel. By you opening up first, guys feel relief and can open up to you. Sometimes, it's hard for them to express feelings, and it just makes it easier if a girl makes the first move every once in awhile.

Should I email my principal to get rid of my french teacher?

You might want to make sure the teacher isn't on a tenior. I'm not 100% how it works but it works somewhere along the lines of the teacher is on a contract and can't be imidiatly fired unless there is student/teacher ual relations or drug use, or stuff like that. But like I said you might want to check with that.

Was my son misdiagnosed?

friday my 7 year old son came home from school with a bad headache and a fever. this is sunday morning and he has had a fever ever since friday afternoon, but I keep it under control with ibuprofen about every 7 hours. he's been up playing like normal, not sleeping during the day or anything. no sore throat and no body aches. a slight cough and slight stuffy nose. I took him to the saturday clinic yesterday and she diagnosed him with swine flu. no test was done. my question is, do you think he was misdiagnosed? or could he have swine and just a mild case. again, symptoms are this: continuous fever, slight cough, slight stuffy nose, had headache first day. he is acting completely normal as far as up and playing all day. I should add that thursday afternoon he got the seasonal flu shot-not sure if that has anything to do with this or not. any advice is helpful!

Am I emo!?

People keep calling me emo!! Mostly just because i love the band MCR and wear gloves even tho it's june. Does that make me emo!?most of the tests i take say im just goth. id rather be goth than emo tho! please answer!

Does anyone know how to twist up or sharpen the big lip pencil by avon?

I know it sounds stupid, but i didnt pay for just that little bit of lipstick. The end usually comes off on other pencils and you can push it to the other end or sharpen it with a sharpener, but its doesnt look sharpener-friendly either.

How badly would Mitt Romney lose to Obama if he is to run against him?

Obama would cream Mitt in a debate and then lose in the election. That cavalier, jokey thing he does, does not play! Plus he has too many soft spots to attack.

George W. Bush is a fine man. Why doesn't everyone get off his back?

Everyone is all over Bush because of this war. I don't think that is fair to him. Alot of the hell we are in was set up by the Clinton presidency overlooking the bombings of the WTC and the USS Cole. When terrorists are allowed to run unchecked, of course they will go for bigger and better targets. And I have this to say, if Bush wouldn't have struck back after 9/11 wouldn't the country have stormed the White House and demanded his resignation? I'm sure he isn't happy either with the time and money spent on it, but once we were devoted to this cause, we have to see it through to the end. Plus going to Iraq doesn't have as many negatives as people say. We removed and killed Saddam and most of his top advisors. We set up a, albeit shaky, democratic government in the country. Isn't this the building block we need to begin the end of terrorism?

Atheists, how can you deny Hitler was the antichrist?

Hitler was a very adept public speaker and could talk his way through just about anything. If you consider the era in which this took place and the state of Germany at the time, he rose to power because he promised everything would change and get better. When everything is down in the toilet, any glimmer of hope, the common people can grab on to, they usually will. Hitler wasn't some demon from the pits of "hell" (which is based on the rivers of Tartarus from Greek Mythology) he was a man who was a good speaker and gave hope to a people who were lost, he was also a schizophrenic. I do not approve of what he did, but after 6 reports on the man, I think I know a good bit about him.

Is it tru that the rapper chamilionaire is nigerian american

He was born in Houston, Texas. However, his parents, a Muslim father from Oyo State, Nigeria and a Christian mother from the United States, split in his early teens. I guess that would make him Nigerian American.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Hair stylist woes....?

It is totally appropriate to tell the manager about it. but tell him just like you put it on here. You liked her and the job she did but you fear that her giggling might be taken wrong, and she needs to correct the behavior. I doubt she will get fired or anything.

When Im without my best friend I get insecure and think he doesnt care. How do I change?

I've always had issues with insecurity and I know it's down to one of my parents not being there when I was growing up. Now I'm growing up and I form attachments quickly but I always lose people because I'm so insecure and it makes me get angry at them because I think that I'm always second best. In the last 6 months I've met an amazing person, he's my best friend and I trust him with my biggest secrets. My problem is that I need constant reurance, I need to talk to him all the time and I worry that one day my insecurities and then my anger because I think he doesn't care, will end our friendship because it overtakes everything else. How do I change who I am?

Will the kids finally show up?

Their parents are actually having to decide between paying tuition and heating the home. Oh Yeah they will show up.

Why is He so mean 2 me????? I did NOTHING....PLEEESEE ANSWERRRR?

Either he gets a kick out of hurting your feelings and seeing you upset or, he likes you and hides it by being a total jerk towards you.

Do you people that are against gay marriage understand the heartbreak you are causing?

I have many gay friends and I say if you love the person you should be allowed to get married! It's a free country why shouldn't you be able to marry who you want to! It's mostly high rolling religious people who are stopping you, ask a person on the street and they'll probably say get married, unless they are church people then they'll say your going to hell. It's your life be happy and love who you want to love!

Do you ever notice the brilliance of Disney movies?

I agree. The clics are masterpieces. Beauty and the Beast, Hunchback, etc. Pure genius. They are as good for adults and teenagers as they are for kids! I always bring Disney movies when I babysit, because I probably enjoy them more than my charges! All the sort of "inside jokes" and snappy dialouge... SO clever. They really don't make them like that anymore. :)

The truth about"TV Colleges"?

I am very curious are colleges like Westwood, ITT Tech and Everst etc. are they good college because I have had people tell me that they just take your money and give you a degree that doesn't mean anything basically so my question if you have had experience at one those colleges could you tell me what it is actually like and either confirm or deny these allegations

I got someome sending mail to asll of my address book and woulod lke to closr the mail account, open a new one?

Someone got into my email contacts list and is using my mail account to send messages to everyone in my addrtess book. I want to close the present mail account, open a new one that is not linked in any way to the closed account, and keep my messenger contacts at the same time. Help please.Thanks. Barry

YEC's, what do you think of this article by a Christian evolutionist?

Young Earth Creationists are illiterate people who deny their religion and science. All aspects of life.

Is this a good start to my story? grammar check for me?

Chilling rain had began to fall, but the chase pursued. The car struggled to grip the road. Each turn brought a new challenge. The v8 engine far outmatched the taxi. Behind the wheel of the taxi was Carmen Winchester. She floored the accelerator. Traveling thirty-four miles above the speed limit, was still too slow. She would never make it to the hospital at this rate. She probably wouldn't make it out alive. The gas tank was nearing empty, she was escorting a criminal, and was now a suspect in a murder. This had turned form the best day in her life to the worst. Tonight was to be her last night driving the taxi. She had planned to take it easy. Pickup a few customers, have lunch, get her check, and then call it a night. After she picked up her money, and said goodbye to her friend Renee, she would head home and finish packing up her apartment.She had moved into new york hoping to make a better life for herself, but found herself struggling to get by.

How Come Artists Lose their Skills?

Musicians, Writers, etc... How come so many artists lose their skills when they get older? For example, I used to like Stephen King books, but for the last 15 years he has just been putting out crap. I like many music groups, but in case after case, I prefer their older stuff (when they were just starting out) compared to their newer music! So many of them were considered "geniuses" in their day, putting out great stuff, and then they stop. Stevie Wonder is a good example. I liked U2 up until 1992, since then the music just doesn't have the "spark" for me. The same with The Cure. Does age kill the creative genius?

What CPU's can i support?

i have an ECS PA1 MVP mobo and i want to know if i can support a core two in it. it says the FSB goes up to 1066mhz and its a socket 775 but on the bow its says it will support a Pentuium D or an LGA775 P4. anyone know where i can find out for sure if i can do any better than that without actualy buying a CPU?

Are these signs of boundaries crossed?

Are these signs of having boundaries crossed in a platonic friendship. Him texting me more, brushing his leg up against me, giving me a hug when we say goodbye, him calling me y and saying stuff like if we go out hell find it hard keeping his hands to himself even for a flirty guy?

GOD if you are real please prove it and post first on this question with the true religion?

Since I already knew it was you,and the question you were going to ask..I am waiting now for you to delete it .I am very busy ..this is after all The Sabbath.

My cars rpm moves back and forth from 1- 1.5 rpm?

i have had this problem, its could be a bad IACV (idle air control valve), i replaced it, and it was fine, if that dosen't work try adjusting the idle screw

Why wont our kitten use the litter box?

5-6wks. is too young to leave momma cat. Ideally he should have stayed with his mom until 8 wks. or more. He would have been better adjusted had he more time to learn from Mom & litter mates. But since he didn't you are just going to have to be patient and vigilant. I would confine him to 1 room and when he wakes up, eats, or drinks, put him in the litter box. Also if he starts looking in corners or scratching floor or going in circles~ to the litter box he goes. But be careful not to be rough or startle him, you don't want him to ociate the L.B. with a negative.Good luck and remember ~ be patient and consistent.

What do the Virgin Mobile grandfathering rates do?

I've been a VM customer for almost a year and is looking to buy the triumph. I've heard that older users will have their rates "grandfathered" but I don't really understand the concept. Instead of paying the 35 per month, someone with an account before the 20th pays 25 per month instead? Like say in December 2011 i'd still pay 25 instead of the 35? In which case, how does that work if I pay with the pre paid cards you'd buy in person?

I finally quit smoking! Who else quit smoking recently? How did you do it? Was it...?

Yes it was tough, I still want a smoke from time to time, but I know if I try that one Lucky Strike again, just once I will be hooked again. I quit cold turkey. I smoked 2 1/2 packs a day of Lucky. Loved them, just couldn't’t afford them any more. I did not stop because of health. But they tell me they contributed to my open heart surgery, my Colon Cancer, my poor circulation in both legs. But that didn't’t matter, they were so good. I can be riding down the road and still reach in my pocket for a smoke. I loved them they gave them to us free in the Army in our C rations. You have to take one day at a time, and have a good reason to quit, or it won’t work Patch or no patch that is the secret. My reason I was putting out $400.00 Dollars a month for smokes between my wife and I. I told my wife if you want to continue smoking you have to pay for them. I quit on February 2 1999. I had a half a pack left, I put them up on my bureau at home, looked at them every day, after three months I threw them in the trash. To this day I have not had a smoke since, but sure would like to try one!

If the experience of Life in the manifest world of matter about recognizing the Truth?

If we do believe that our life is just a physical manifestation of our true inner self and we can not carry with ourselves anything except the experiences from this life, then obviously it has to be concluded logically that the purpose of our life must indeed be to find and ascertain those truths that are 'experiential'...... these are like multiple veils that need to be lifted one by one through real experience in order to reach and arrive at the ultimate naked truth..... search for that ultimate truth therefore goes through the journey of recognizing and shunning all those illusory realities that physical manifestation creates...... the ultimate truth ought to be non-physical in order to be eternal and changeless..... I therefore would suggest that enlightenment is simply the pinnacle of spirituality so that the vagaries arising out of our physical manifestation with its inevitable characteristic of duality (black and white, joy and sorrow etc.) and impermanence, can either be overcome or ignored as irrelevant.

What is the law regarding disclosing salary info on employees? (see details)?

They tracked Dave down through payroll taxes your brother paid on him. They will eventually find him again, but it would be nice if your brother shared the info. It would not be protected information.

What do you think of this rap I vote, it's for a rap battle?

No no no, it needs personals. Battles are supposed to make the crowd laugh, so get some punchlines. Also, don't write it down. They'll respect you more if you freestyle.

Obama This Obama That...?

This stimulus package has nearly everyone on edge. Lets pretend for a split second YOU could actually change the decisions of our leaders. What would be the basis of YOUR utopian society? How do YOU suggest we deal with this struggling economy. Bush, along with his dad were war presidents, who went into office with a preconceived personal agenda that ultimately DESTROYED this country. We weren't fighting for Kuwait's rights to be solely based on a democratic society in the Desert Storm war. "We" were fighting to prevent Iraq from monopolizing crude oil. Never before had the country spent as much money to fund ridiculous scandals prior to Bush in the 90's. As a nation we were already trying to cope with the extremities inflicted by Regan. Everyone keeps talking about the stimulus package, I've not heard anyone mention that Obama is extracting tactics used during the Great Depression, you know like rapping the infrastructure tax in hopes to provide jobs for white collard workers/construction crews. He's not going to appease the ideals of EVERY american, that's the solid truth. However, when you have a deprived economy traditional methods become obsolete. Keep in mind too, that he's bipartisan, and has enlisted the advice of our good friend McCain. I wonder if McCain would have did the same. So, this is a golden opportunity for whomever to give insight as to how this country to be conducted.

Investment in Internet?

Why people still believe investment in internet which they do not know who the owner, what the business and how they conduct the business. Most of the investment site has been closed such as buyebarrel. The owner who is Malaysian whose name is Michael has run away with the money. My question is why people still believe and so stupid to invest in internet. They are all scam and please do not believe in such investment.

Recommend me a power supply for a GTX460?

As AJ said, go for a minimum 750W power supply, this way you're ready if you ever want to use Crossfire/SLI, or upgrade your system further.

A question about working in a Bed and Breakfast? Ta =)?

Well, if he has been working there longer then you, you should do what he asks (within reason). If you feel as if you are doing his job for him, then try to talk him about it. If that doesn't work, go to the the B&B manager/owner. And if all else fails, either deal with it, or quit. Thats really all you can do.

Anyone else made this mistake ? and what do you think ...?

Lots of people make the same mistake. Get a journal and write about it (please destroy the journal after you are finished) to help you gain perspective and release. It is time to accept the facts, and put it in the past. Since the whole thing got mixed reviews from you, it is probably not a good idea to do things that way again.

How old is Miley Cyrus's friend Mandy Jiroux?

a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rb_HXgPlgEs" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rb_HXgPlg…/a >>That video was uploaded on 23 March 2008, and she said she was 20 so she's about 21. Her and Miley are four and a half years apart. Mandy's birthday is on December the 15th and Miley is 17 in November so she'll be 22 in December.

American Idol; David Arroschetta (Sp?), and what's with Paula?

That young man is AWESOME!!! The others too, but what's with Paula and the "muffin" look? Girls, you know what I'm talkin' 'bout....

Why is my propane tank leaking?

I have a 500gal in-ground propane tank that was installed 3 yrs ago. I was told today that it is leaking and he gave me no reason as to how this happened. It is leaking at a seam below the guage. I was told they would have to weld it and that it is very laborous. I am wondering what would cause this and why I would have to pay for repairs..

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Is it any wonder why New Orleans is the murder capital of the United States?

Well one of my best friends was killed in May this year in New Orleans. Attended his funeral. He was the victim of murder. And he had just finished school and was training in his field. And someone took his life for no reason. The thing about New Orleans is it's unique. Not many places you can go in the nation that doesn't have it's bad area and good area. In New Orleans you can be on a good block one minute and then turn on a bad block, just like that. Even the richest neighborhoods are like that unless you are talking about may Lakeview, etc. And now you have the bad people with no life returning to the city. A lot of the good people have rooted themselves with jobs in other states. Now the poor city is infested with roaches with not enough police to combat the problem. It's very sad.

Question about the meps and dep process for the air force?

95 is a pretty high score. In the Army a 110 will allow you to do any job they offer. I would imagine he will qualify as long as he pes his background check. If he doesnt he will surely qualify for a similar position. My Grandpa always told me to join either the Air Force or Navy...That way I would always know i was going to sleep in a bed!!!

Songs like everlong by foo fighters?

I really like the song everlong by the foo fighters. I really dig the calm, mellow beat and voice in the song. Anyone know of any similar songs?

Do you think Aroidis Champman is like Dontrelle Willis?

Willis, I think threw too many innings early in his career. Chapman throws hard and has hit over 100 MPH several times. Both have got hurt also. Oh yeah, both have good stuff but are wild and walk a lot of batters.

Are snuggies vegan??

Most are blend of cotton and polyester, pure wool would shrink and be to hot for an infant, they would be over heating quite alot. Cotton breathes and is easier to wash, you can find all cotton types, wool blends are harder to launder are wool has to be cold water washed and the issues with baby's makes it necessary to use hot water and a laundry product.

Halle Berry's daughter already has blue eyes due to mixing with white over 2 generations. If her daughter has?

Halle's baby still look more black, as you can see, it takes a lot of mixing with white to get rid of the black genes. Once you go black it takes at least 5 generations to reverse that shyt back hahaha.

Can you please check my American government test.. I finished it just please check if it's right! Thx ahead!?

If it's so important why don't you study instead of asking for the answers. You think you are going to learn something by asking? Keep your books open you will need it in the future.

I'm changing schools, and I feel guilty?

This whole year has been a big debate for me. I've had to choose between two choices for freshman year next year: my *very* expensive private school, which has great people, great students, and the best education I could get. 99% of the people there go on to college. But as I said, it's very expensive...and everybody there is the same person, if you catch my drift. Same person, different skin. Good people, but they're all the same. My twin sister goes to the public school, and I know some people there that seem alright. I'm kinda friends with my sister's best friend and her younger sister. Jess, my twin, said that her friends would like me and I could hang out with them. Plus, it's public school, so it's free. But now I feel guilty because I'm leaving some of my friends, although my best friend is also moving, but to a fine arts school. Also, apparently the people at the office called my mom because my dad *finally* told them I was leaving, and Mrs. Jiongo told my mom that if i ever wanted to come back we had a friend in the attendance office, and Mr. Coffee, my science teacher, said that I was a great student, they really didn't want to lose me, and he was going to write the man in charge of financial aid and see if he could help. We told them we were leaving for financial reasons, and that is a big part of it, but if I had decided that I wanted to stay, I would have stayed. I didn't *need* to move. Now I feel super guilty, and I'm still not even sure if I will like public school. I've never been! Did I make the wrong choice by moving?

Globalization ... is it a good thing or a bad thing?

America's standard of living will be brought down because the rest of the world can not be brought up. Those other country's can bring themselves up by simply doing what we did. What we did to create this country and way of life. They can have it. It's written down and we don't want anything for it. Just do what we did.

What is the proper way to do this?

When mooning someone from a moving car, do you roll the window down or leave it up and squish your backside against the gl?

Teenaged boys please I NEED your help....why are you so shallow....?

Ya i'm a boy I suppose that I could be considered shallow a some points, but Its not really interfering with much, and I personally think that girls are much much worse. They play mind games with guys. We are guys, and therefore blunt instruments. We WILL pick up things in your tone and if you touch us, but if you stand differently or something we don't even notice, and then later when someone says, "Didn't you see how she was standing next to you?" We will be very very confuzzled. guys on their own are generally very civil. Some guys talk crap about girls and act shallow because thay think it makes them cool, even if they know its not. 3 or more with a girl present = shallowness in a conveniently sized package. :) This was answered by a popular 14 year old who has nothing better to do on a tuesday night. Hope I answered your question : )

Why when Bush wanted Saddam removed for being the same kind of leader as Gaddafi they thought Bush was awful?

I disagreed with Bush for finishing the job his dad didn't, but at least I'm consistent, I can't say that about liberals with all that is happening lately.

How can you tell the order of increasing boiling points based on the strength of intermolecular attraction?

...for example, which intermolecular forces are weaker, and which are stronger. I understand that they are much weaker than covalent and ionic bonds, but in each compounds, aren't covalent bonds always present?

Do you have good recipes for crock pot cooking?

I used mine yesterday to roast a chicken, and it did a fantastic job. I used salt and pepper, poultry seasoning, and basil.

Have you noticed how often liberals turn out to be right and cons turn out to be wrong?

the rant above has no basis in fact.without accurate posts to prove this rant it falls irrelevant and on deaf ears.this is nothing more than liberal spin.and all of the above can be proven wrong.but to do so would only infuriate you and make you blind to the truth

Please rate my story.?

Hmm... 4 stars! The story seems a little bit similar to others... Morals? Maybe... Killing people doesn't make them happy? Lol. Just kidding. How about you can't always be happy with your actions, even though you've convinced yourself of it? And to add to the last sentence, make it where you describe his eternal life in the place he knows is not heaven? Twist it around a bit at the end! :)

Kickboxing or Krav Maga?

I want to take some martial arts cles that will give me better self defense skills as well as get my body into better shape. I have done judo before, but never tried either of these. Which would you suggest (going to one lesson a week) would be best for me?

Is 5 winning number in maryland lotto prized 150 dollar only?

my dad says he got 5 numbers in maryland lotto last week but he didint get the powerball number,he only get 150 dollar because of that,,its kinda upsetting coz if u missed the powerball ur winning numbers is useless.

Does this mean just about everyone is evil?

I believe evil is a learned function. If you are not exposed to hateful and hurtful things then you have no experience of them. Just as you experience good things, that is your world as you know it. Racism, hate, intolerance, bigotry, are all learned and not innate. I do not believe we are born in sin as Christians do, and therefore, have an extra burden to carry. The quote is an interpretation, as is the whole Bible, or perception of what the author is trying to reveal as he/she understands it. Given the context of the times, this may be what was on his mind (Paul's letters to the Romans?). Covers a lot of ground doesn't it...I wonder what was left out when the Bible was embled by the Church to satisfy their own agenda.

Is the term “Liberal” supposed to be derogatory in some way?

I love the word liberal cause the more I give out to others the more good comes back to me. Conservative is about holding back. I study properity & while you can save a lot that way I would rather prosper the Oprah way but giving to others & making the world a better place. So reps. are negative people & have all these things that are supposed to help them shame others but it doesn't work in 2009 it will take them about 5 years to notice this though cause they really have not noticed yet & I don't see it happening any time soon.

Tell me if this is a good idea to help save more animals?

Another thing that some people do is that they put pictures of the animals up on facebook, and make a page, basically, where they display pets that they have up for adoption. It helps get the word out.

9/11 is today: A day of sadness for ALL people?

Just another day for me, pal. I want to live my life, not spend it crying over a bunch of strangers who bit it 10 years ago.

Is this a bad photo? what does it say about me?

Obviously, people need to get over the fact about it being a BAD PHOTO EDIT JOB. Hello! It's from Mac Photobooth. It's one of the options you can choose. I believe it's called thermal? Apart from that, you look unhappy and 80's breakfast club-ish.

What are best guitar strings and amp for metal?

I was wondering what kind of guitar strings and amp are best for heavy metal? I have a marshall amp and I mostly play stuff like metallica, korn, avenged sevenfold, and megadeth

How can I concentrate more?Sharpen my memory?

mnemonics, word ociation, to really remember something you have to look at it for close to 20 seconds, or try imagining a picture to help recall that word or sentence. stir your brain up every now and then...try writing with the other hand, reading a book upside down, i know it sounds crazy, but it has been proven.

Omj 1 hour and 40 mins!?

I BET UR RELE EXCITED!!! I would be too!!! I HOPE U GET GREAT SEATS!!! tell me wat kind of seats u get :)

Want to hear a joke? The Toking Monkey.?

a monkey is sitting in a tree smoking a joint when a lizard walks past and looks up and says to the monkey, "hey! what are you doing?" the monkey says, "smoking a joint, come up and have some." so the lizard climbs up and sits next to the monkey and they have a few tokes together. after a while the lizard says his mouth is 'dry' and that he's going to get a drink from the river. the lizard climbs down the tree, ditty bops on thru the jungle to the river and leans over the river to get his drink. well, the lizard is so stoned that he leans too far over and falls into the river. a crocodile sees this and swims over to the lizard and helps him to the side, then asks the lizard, "what's the matter with you?" the lizard explains to the crocodile that he was sitting in a tree and smoking a joint with the monkey and got too stoned and then fell into the river while taking a drink. the crocodile says he's gotta check this hippie monkey out and walks off into the jungle where he finds the tree where the monkey is still sitting and toking on the joint. he looks up and says "hey you!" the monkey looks down and says, "ffuuucccckkkk dude.............how much water did you drink?!!"

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How do you sew a simple winter cap?

LIke a baby's cap made of fleece and I'll add the straps that go over the ears and velcro under the chin. The cap part is what I dont know. Don't say anything complicated I can barely sew and this is for a halloween costume. Thanks !!!

I need some help with the maths questions they are very easy?

questions number 1? if 88% of milk is water, what percentage do the other components equal? question number 2? simplify 6 over 9? this question can be used in Decimals/ Fractions/Percentage. question number 3? Arrange in ascending order: 7,-3,0,-9,4? if you can answer all of these questions it will be very thankful for you i really need help with this.

How many of these end in a vowel?

How many permutations of the characters in the word COMPUTER are there? How many of these end in a vowel?

Any information on a book of short stories?

I don't remember title, publisher, editor, or anything other than the cover, which might have been pink or red. It contained, among other stories, "The Willows" by Algernon Blackwood and "The Vertical Ladder", by William Sansom. It also had a story about a boy who brings home a caterpillar, which turns into a erfly and kills him, and a story about Leonardo Da Vinci inventing the submarine, I think. This was a while ago, 10 or 11 years. I would greatly appreciate any information anyone has on this book.

Are China,Russia,North Korea and Syria waiting for the liberals of America to weaken Our Country to a Point?

that will make it Possible to over through America.Can Americans end up being responsible for our own downfall?

What is the name of the movie with the song "whiskey lullaby" in it?

i saw the movie with the song "whiskey lullaby" in it and i forget what the movie was called. so, can you please help me figure it out? (:

How to interpret Cat body language?

I posted earlier about my cat being mad at me for taking her to the vet. Well, just a little while ago she was snuggled up on the chair--I started petting her and was purring, but swishing her tail... she didn't move or run away. would the moving tail indicate she was mad at me?

What should i get for my boyfriends birthday on the 9th?

Okay so Ive been going out with this guy for 3months and it was love at first sight. I called my mom and she told me for only three month it was to much to get a falcons ticket or concert..but i want something special and i don't have allot of money help please preferably from a male

What to do in NYC over the summer?

I'm going to NYC over the summer with my best friend, her mom, and my mom. We planned to stay for one night. We're not sure what hotel would be good to stay in that also isn't overpriced. We'll be spending one day sightseeing and we already know that we are climbing the empire state building if it's allowed, climbing the statue of liberty, and seeing ellis island. Are there any other attractions in NYC that we could do along with these as well? We are also spending our second day shopping and we want to know some stores worth while shopping in. We're only twelve so it's not like we can go to expensive, foregn stores like prada or gucci, but stores like Abercrombie and Juicy are okay.

WHY DO Republicans call Libertarians Liberal When they are...?

the Liberal ones!? Republicans Spend a lot of money, they start pointless Wars, get involved in Foreign Affairs(both Wars and Foreign Affairs were things the liberal and progressive democrats did before Nixon and later the Bush's). Republicans use the Federal Reserve to print all of the money they want to spend, spend and spend. Yet when Libertarians like Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Michael Badnarik, try to end these things they get called Liberal! Same when Libertarian groups bring up ideas from Milton Friedman, and Murray Rothbard those guys get called liberal! Even most of the conservative Forums most of the people diss Libertarians and call them Liberal! Why is this, Republicans like Bush, Palin, Romney, Huckabee, and many others are Liberal.

When will i find out my air force job and ship out date?

I've already been to meps and sworn in, i will be attending my first dep meeting with my recruiter on 2/10/09. will my recruiter let me know my job and ship out date during the meeting

WWE is setting off big bombs..well seems like it..Diesel(Nash) is back..Booker Back..is it true Sting signed?

There has been no confirmation that Sting has been signed to WWE at this time, it is mostly wishful thinking by many Wrestling fans!

Facebook : find mutual friends?

i think if you mean common friends between you and your friend you are looking through his profile well this application isn't working with me anymore whenever i click on mutual friends the page turns to friends with latest updates i don't know i think it is a problem with facebook

X boyfriend and x girlfriend together in a hospital room?

I went to visit my boyfriend, he had an accident in the hospital. Now you would never guess who was there? that's right his x. Now how would you have acted if you walked into that situation? She was with other people but it still makes me think and wonder. I said hello and good bye. I then called him and told him i was not intending to go visit him again. He currently lives with me. So am I just being paranoid? Or do you think that they will be getting back together? They were not snuggling or anything, what do I do? Help

Relegation - As in Soccer- could it work here?

I have disliked soccer for as long as i can remember, but have always liked the idea of relegation and promotion, could such a system work here, I am fully aware that it would never be introduced by the AFL , but its the basic idea that i find appealing. and the promoted side coming from the home state of the relegated side, relegation would be the answer to the same sides at the bottom for numerous years ,what is your opinion

If you click on someone's Facebook picture to look at it?

Does it tell the owner that you've done that? Just wondering since I have done that to a few old friends that I did in curiousity.

Can you seriously make your own shoe online and then buy it?

Yes, I believe so, I've seen it before, custom shoes are by far the best shoes, cuz it's customed to fit your specific needs

Why are black girls that work with Disney so respectable and such good role models?

This is a really dumb and dumb-SOUNDing question. I won't be watching whatever video you have posted here, but I will tell you this: You sound like a complete idiot with this question. Stop worrying about what BLACK girls do and worry about your sorry self. Looks like YOU need to get a life. Find some important cause to work with. Come up with better ways to sound like you even have any sense. I won't even waste my energy telling your racist a$$ off. Yes, I called you racist because that's obviously what you are, since you've chosen to single out black girls for whatever you're whining about them doing or not doing. Get a life.

I am 19 yr old weigh 200lbs 6ft height.i want to loose weight at least 50 to 60 lbs.plz help me?

i wnat to cut the last 50 lbs from my body.i casually do some exercise but i can,t keep my self form heavy eating habits and that cost me alot.and plz tell that how should i stop my self from eating too much.i just fill my stomach whatever i find.plz do give me some good suggestions.thanx alot

Possible Processor Upgrades?

I have a very old Intel 945GCL motherboard and I'm looking for possible upgrades to it. I was looking at the Pentium E5500 which has a 800 FSB and supports the LGA 775 but my current processor is 65nm and this is 45nm. Would a bios upgrade solve this or would I need to look for something else?

Why did Jesus have to die so horrifically?

the story is meant to gain sympathy so people will join. think about it: the two main symbols are a mother with child and a man on a cross.

Is it possible to be female and maintain a close relationship with both my good guy friend and my boyfriend?

I feel like it is near impossible unless the two get along. I have constantly felt like I am being pulled in two different directions and that I have to chose between the two. The relationship with my friend is strictly platonic--nothing has ever happened romantically between us--in fact, it feels more like a brother/sister realtionship. Some other things to consider: My friend and boyfriend are, at this point, not fond of eachother. They have both made it clear that life would be much better if the other was gone. At one point, my friend offered to back off (as in, go away) but I didn't want to lose him as a friend so I asked him to please not do that. I don't know what to do b/c I love both of them and just want them to get along! It seems like it should happen naturally but it's the opposite. Also, I have looked at this from my boyfriend's perspective and know that it probably isn't easy but I guess I'm just hoping, over time, he will come around. I still want my friend and I to be friends and I still want to be with my boyfriend

What you think of shoes being thrown at Bush & calling him dog ?

Savage behavior. This thug could never be a journalist without Iraq being liberated, he is a follower of Al-Mahdi militias, a group of killers and murderers.

What channel is gossip girl on?

The CW is 58 in TN. I'm not really sure what it would in Hawaii but I'm sure you could find out by going to your cable providers website.

Does this kid just want a randin hookup?

This kid old his best fried and my best friend that he thinks im hot. He made his friends make plans to hang out with my group of friends just so we can hang out. He always talks to me and tries to hang with me bit he neer bothers texing me. Is this kid interested in me or just wants to hook up

What should i do?? girl problems...?

im 13 years and im like 5'6'' with brown straight hair and a round face with big green eyes. i really like a guy whos in my homeroom and english cl. i havent told him that i like him or anything but i think hes catching the hint. he likes this one girl whos a fake blonde colored hair and wears a LOT of makeup and (not to be mean ;D) has no chest. what are some ways that i can make him like me??!! please help!!

Does anyone know where to find 'I Love Lucy' cotton fabric for quilting?

If you have a Joann's Fabric store near you, they have alot of novelty fabrics. They have a website also...joannfabrics.com

OLTL-Who else was so happy that Gigi finally,punched Adriana?

When i saw that Gigi told Shane to go wait in the hallway, i said YES!, THIS IS IT! I just knew Gigi was going to hit her, then Adriana started talking all that smack, then Pow, right in the kisser! Adriana hit the floor so hard :) "you hit me, in a hospital?" How in the world can Adriana have the audacity to say that when she hit Gigi in a church! She got what she deserved. I was right with Shane, laughing, ha ha. While he was saying way to go mom, i was saying way to go Gigi! Anyone else was glad that Gigi got revenge??

Ear ache without infection?

I get an earache sometimes with no infection, i just put ear drops in for a few days and it goes but it comes back every few months. Don't know why.

How do i tell my mate i have feelings for her?

me and my friend (both females) have been mates for ages and recently i have starting to get feelings for her how do i tell her without her thinking im a tramp

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I need a good gift idea for a [new] best guy friend who I also have a romantic relationship with?

I think almost anything small and personal would work. A necklace or piece of jewelry springs to mind. Even better if it is symbolic of an interest the two of you share. (i.e. Something nautical if you enjoy the beach for instance.) It would be small and a reminder that he could keep with him.

What Do The Postmen Do With Letters To Santa?

What do you reckon they do when they find loads of letters addressed to "Santa Claus, The North Pole" haha.

Is it okay to have one Zebra finch?

Having just one is a lonely life for this kind of bird. They are a community species and thrive best with others. If you do not want babies, a single female is not always advised, two or more females is best. A male and a female could be ok, but do not provide a nesting box or place they can set up shop. But do have someplace they can keep warm together and cuddle. Having two males only can sometimes be a slight problem at first. It is a territorial thing and they can bicker. If you get them together from the same bunch, there is a better chance they are acclimated to each other. I have raised them for many years and never had less than five. They are much healthier and happier with friends. Not only that, they sound so cool together!!!!!

Is it stupid to send my bf some song lyrics?

Uhh. I would send him something nice, but not from a song. Idk what about it, but it just seems a bit weird. Something nice along those lines would be great though, just don't quote it exactly.

Anyone feel an earthquake?

I live in buckinghamshire and the whole house started to shake about 1am. There was a strange tremoring noise then the door of my room started to shake, so did the bed and everything on my shelf.

The fact that Drew Peterson has not been shot in the head by now... is a testiment to the lack of love?

... for women in this country. Don't judge me too fast... we endorse war against terrorist... and all sorts of things. Our government is currently "detaining" people without even charging them with anything at all. But no one who knows this low life has done anything about it? A judge in this country actually "RULED" I say that lightly... that it is NOT the duty of the police to "protect and serve" yeah... that slogan they have pasted to their cars. Go "ENFORCE" the speeding laws, but don't worry about the protecting and serving. Talk all day about the so-called "terrorists" and protecting "America" apparently an America without civil rights. BUT DON'T worry. CREEPS like this guy are on morning television. We are in deep shiznit. What do you think?

I have a question about Gossip Girl episode?

I just watched the episode "The Last Days Of Disco Stick" and it is my favorite(cause it had Lady Gaga and Hilary Duff in it) so...my question is....do you think that Hilary Duff will be in upcoming episodes...or she left the show? I adore her...

How to get all the holiday food cooked at the same time with one oven and 4 burners?

I am hosting Thanksgiving dinner for the first time this year. I want to serve turkey, ham, oyster stuffing, mashed potatoes, yams, green bean cerole, and corn pudding cerole. I think I'll just get store bought pies and cranberry sauce. I might be forgetting something, but I don't think so. How do I get these items ready to be served all at the same time?

Are thexbox 369 wirless head sets better then the original wired ones?

The wireless one is definitely sturdier and works well. The only problems I've encountered are, you have to speak louder since it's not especially close to your mouth, and you can't use it when its charging.

Where can i download the my chemical romance concert at the house of blues for free (at the halloween concert)?

mcr did a concert at the house of blues and it was a halloween special and it was the black parade and i want to download it for free where can i???

Brett Favre is still the #1 QB in the NFL! Is anyone surprised by the NFL's top ten QB's if so by which ones?

Pretty surprised by Rodgers rating didn't expect him to be that good but you cant really base it on just their per rating

Do people only vote based on gender?

Well being politically correct as possible, uninformed Americans who have registered to vote typically side with the person who looks the best or who they can relate to more. This results in younger people and African-Americans voting for Obama, and women voting for Palin. Unfortunately this is how many elections are won - by popularity.

Why wont my atv start without starting fluid???

ive cleaned the carb and done some other stuff to it. its a 1988 yamaha blaster in godd condition. i dont know what else to do.

I have Qs about wrestling?

This guy is a Narc Don't answer!!! He'll report the site, and you. If you want to watch night of the Champs, buy it on PPV.


I like that name. Its good. I didnt really read that entire thing. I saw Coma and thought that 'Silent Love' might be good.

Is anyone else not voting because Obama, Biden & McCain supporting H-1b visas and Amnesty?

I'm not sure about the Amnesty policy but what's wrong with H-1b visas? I'm Canadian and would love to have an American H-1b visa !

Why do people always say bands like Green Day and All Time Low are emo?

It's very annoying, because if you actually listen to the lyrics [of all time low], there very perky.ugg

Which team will win this fantasy baseball game?

Team B has better pitching but team A has better fielding. It will be close but team A should pull off if they perform to there potentials.

Finish the sentence Blazers in a couple of years will?

will be NBA champ all yall saying they will still suck are crazy they have the most underated player in brandon roy greg oden will be a monster and plz remember that NBA players are not imortal they do get old and do start to suck

My state requires a 3 day waiting period when purchasing a handgun to do a background check presumably, why?

If you have a permit to purchase and they did a background check then, why do another one...to see if new charges have showed up on your file? Well, if that is the case then why not wait until you go to purchase one in the first place and do away with the permit altogeather?

Surrface area........again PLEASE HELP!?!?

find the surface area of a 150 litre gas tank uming that the tank is made up of a cylinder of length 86 cm with a hemisphere of cirference 160 cm at either end

Why do no Republican candidates have any plan to fix healthcare?

I definitely don't like all of the Democratic Candidate's proposals for fixing the problem, but Healthcare definitely is an issue, with people dying because they switch companies after having a pre-existing/uninsurable condition, or after loosing jobs our corporations take to Mexico and India, why do no Republican candidates have any Healthcare Plan on the platforms? Do they think we're too dumb to notice? I might not expect much from someone like Mitt Romney who took his profits to other countries so he could avoid the taxes the rest of us pay, but Giuliani? Paul? I expect something.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Question about being widowed and dating?

In August of 2009 my husband of 25 years was killed by brain cancer. He was sick for about 2 years. It has been 10 months now and 2 of our daughters are engaged and our youngest is pregnant. It saddens me that he isn't here to see all of this happening but i take comfort in knowing he is always looking down on us. This past week an old friend of mine has been trying to get me to go out to dinner with him. I really want to go, but all of my kids are saying it is too soon to even consider dating. Loosing my husband last year was my second time being widowed, so I feel as if I understand how to approach dating again; yet 10 months seems so very soon. Does anyone have any input?

What is a good community college that offers film and theatre cles somewhere near los angeles?

Not entirely certain but you might try Santa Monica College as well. It is safe, there are plenty of movie theaters in town, depending on time of day traffic can be a bit rough though and definitely a comfortable place to live. Units definitely transfer to UCLA as my ex girlfriend took exactly this path and she's now in a masters program at UCLA. Apparently SMC is #1 in transfers to UCLA.

Does anyone know the Beethoven concerto...?

Does anyone know the Beethoven concerto that was played on the violin by Juliek on his deathbed in the book Night by Elie Wiesel?

What's wrong with Mayweather AND Pacquiao?

Yeah im not going to read that but the reason they arent fighting is because mayweathers is a *b word :P* he scared of losing and he isnt a fan of MMA because he definitely has no ground game

How is burning Mg a synthesis chemical reaction?

In Chem cl we lit Mg on fire and let it burn. It says on the lab paper that it's a synthesis reaction but how would you balanced that?

Was Adolf Hitler a nice man?

He was friendly and polite enough to his staff, as well as being very charismatic if that's the 'nice man' you're asking about.

Fish Tank Upgrade advice?

They should be fine together. They aren't too aggressive, so there shouldn't be a problem. 45 gallons should be enough space to prevent territory fights.

What the hell is wrong with me??

If you have to ask yourself that, then no I dont think you want the responsibilities. But hey, dont turn away a good thing. Get off of YA and get some sleep. Good luck tomorrow!

Why is the ''scene''style dead ?

It's dead because everyone over used the style, it got to the point where it was nothing new and a lot of people looked fake and stupid.

Why do some chemicals have one name while other chemicals have two?

This is related to history. Some substances have names going back to Roman times because they were regularly in use, but no one knew what they were. In modern times we understand the chemical structure of molecules and formal naming conventions were created. However, many older names are still in every day use.

Are you so excited abut tomorrow.....?

you could pee yourself... i know i am and i've gotta wait till sunday..... i think i'll be a villa fan for the day 2morrow c'mon the villa lol...

USMC boot camp date set, recruiter says i am probably leaving in 11 days? do i have the choice?

i just enlisted to DEP a week ago and was set to leave may 2nd, my recruiter called me 2 days ago and said i hav a good chance of leaving january 24th cuz the kid who was suppose to go hasnt gotten a waiver approved, is it my choice to go on my original ship date or can my recruiter change my date and i have no choice?

Could you check my english grammar please?

Feeling guilty for murdering the Calormenes, Tirian and Jewel decide to give themselves up to the justice of Aslan and asks the armed Calormenes to bring them the Aslan. However, there is no Aslan where they were taken to, only Ape. Ape claims he is the only one Aslan will ever talk to; the Narnains and the Caolormenes believed this absurd claim so they followed whatever they commanded. Ironically, Ape dishonors the great Aslan and the cruel Tash. After King Tirian sees that the Narnians believe these ridiculous claims, he becomes depressed and angry and tries to speak out against Ape, but is taken away by Ape's order.

Can water conduct electicity?

distilled water is covalent. so it is not suppose to conduct electricity. by the way, we will get shock if we touch water with electric wire immersed in it. so does it conduct electric?

Would u follow in the footsteps of Paul McCartney and become a vegetarian to protest the culling of Kangaroos?

SIR PAUL MCCARTNEY has spoken out in disgust at Australia's plans to cull a large number of kangaroos. The former Beatle has added his support to a campaign by Vegetarians International Voice for Animals (VIVA!), who are desperate to halt the proposed killing of 500 of the marsupials near the country's capital, Canberra. The animals have been targeted to be culled after the Australian government issued reports stating their large numbers impacted heavily on other species in the area. The 65-year-old rocker, who has been an avid campaigner for animal rights, says, "There is an urgent need for action to protect kangaroos from a barbaric industry which slaughters them for meat and leather." VIVA! have long fought a battle against the killing of kangaroos for meat exportation. MCCartney's latest comments come just after the release of a new People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) poster campaign in which he describes the moment he decided to become a vegetarian.

How many POW references will there be during tonight's foreign policy debate?

How many William Ayers references will there be? I am sure McCain is going to grill Obama extensively on that.

The legend of Zelda Phantom hourgl

What to do at the phantom corridor I have been there for days and I still understand what to do. If any1 know how to do or how to understand please answer.

Soccer players (Kids, Teens, and Adults)?

I wonder how many kids, teenagers, and adults would not be playing soccer if they did not have their cute uniforms to wear? I find this even in the young kids. What if they were given a pair of plain, non name (wal-mart or target) brand shorts, jersey, and cleats? What happened to just playing the sport. It seems like many of them are more into wearing their adidas, nike, puma, etc. uniforms and looking good/cute in them than playing the sport. Then they have to carry around their nike, adidas, or puma bag to put all their gear in. Everyone seems to want to look sporty today. Wearing athletic clothes when they are not at an athletic event. In know the clothes are comfortable, but come on! I was in a store the other day and this 18 year old girl was still in her full soccer gear... shin guards, nylon adidas soccer shorts, adidas soccer cleats, jersey, and of course hair in a little pony tail ... she thought she was ALL THAT. I am curious to see what you all think about this. Email me.

What is to do in Atlanta???

I have 2 days to kill in Atlanta before cles start in mid august. What are some great things to do in the ATL.

How can i travel & spend good time in syria ?

hey ppl i want ask about how to travel from egypt to syria ,,& spend good time there ? i mean,,,,,i want to know about good & cheap travel agencies ,,good & cheap hotels,or houses.....as i dont wanna lose too money in my tour ;) plz give me all things in details "From A to Z" :D

What is your opinion on the 1981 Andretti/B Unser Indy 500 fiasco?

that was 26 years ago and neither has forgot the incident..Mario Should of won that race...but i guess at that time the George family had a faling out with thwe Andretti and wanted to see a an Unser win it...i would love to see all three generations of Andretti's race there this year or next year

What happened in my relationship? can i change his mind if he says he cant see himself marrying me?

i was dating this guy for about a year and we were totally infatuated and in love with each other. He pursued me first and i was always the hesitant one but later on I was falling more in love with him than he was with me. he also has a very busy lifestyle so the times we really fought was because we couldnt see each other as much as we wanted to. He broke up with me a couple days ago because he said it wasn't the right time which i completely understand because he's really busy. What i dont understand is why he also said he would never marry me or can't see himself marrying me. if he liked me as much as he showed then why wouldnt he able to see me in his future? We're so in love when we're together i dont understand why he cant see me as a wife. Hes also jewish and im a christian so i thought that might be a factor but maybe not?? please someone give me closure. also, is it possible to change a his mind if he says he would never marry you? would it help if you guys took a break?

I have been asked to be a contractor for a non-profit but I don't yet have my own business set up?

Which would be best for me, a sole-proprietorship, Corp, LLC, etc? I want to spend the LEAST amount on taxes as possible.

Does he really like me or is he just lying?

He does like you, boys dont lie about it. He likes you, but he likes Pixi too. He sounds like he might be being a bit of a ****head because he wants you both at once. Hes treating you both very unfairly and i think you should do something about it. Youre getting treated badly because hes just taking everything from you, but so is Pixi because she is HIS boyfriend. You should do something about it, even if you do like him. Tell him how you feel, and how he has tomake some serious decisions before anything continues...

Help!! My poor marigold..?

I have this little marigold plant in a pixie cup that someone gave me, its like miniature or something. I've had it since spring started and its grown 2 flowers and has 1 bud. But.. I forgot to water the poor thing!! And now all the leaves and the flowers are wilting/bending over. His leaves aren't crispy and deadlike yet but they're soft and curling up.. The stem part seems ok.. Is he going to be ok? I watered him.. Its really sad..I even named him!!

Who do u like miley and mandy or demi and selena?

mikey cyrus and her bff mandy or demi lovato and her bff selena gomez (i like selena gomez and demi)

What type of alloys should I buy?

Wolfrace are softer than other wheels and are more prone to buckling, according to My local wheel centre. There's a nice deep dish 5 spoke with a chrome lip, Fox RS, I'm not sure if they come in black but are well worth painting, just don't paint over the chrome. Get at least 18's, and definitely paint Your callipers red.

My kid has pneumonia she's taken all the meds but isn't getting better, what should I do now?

My daughter has had croup, bronchitis six times, broncholitis 2 times and now has pneumonia. She's only 3. The doctors keep prescribe her medication, but it keeps coming back and every time it's worse. I've already changed doctors. I'm scared that permanent damage may be done. What do I do now?

I need a topic sentence!?

I am doing a history paragraph on the liberation of women during World War 1 and need a topic sentence. It doesn't have to be catchy, I am just looking for something better than Woman were liberated during World War 1.

Case study: who has the right to decide?

What does the doctor say?? Does he want to operate on a 96-year old sick woman? If he prefers not to, or refuses to, then let nature take it's course. Keep her comfortable, of course. -LL

I ate a lot today....?

Nooo your fine! Thank god someone on here actually eats!! Just cut out the sausage and sugary stuff to lose weight, although I wouldnt do it at that weight. Dont feel bad, just replace some of it with veggies and fruits, whole grains and lean protein.

Have u been to a casino?

if yes which games did you play - slot machine, poker, blackjack. how much overall did you win/lose?

Why did Valkyrie get bad reviews?

I saw it and really liked it. It shows that not all Germans fell into the persuasive palm of Adolf Hitler, which is something that innocent Germans are taking heat for today. I know it probably has to do with Tom Cruise, but even if you dont like him, I cant think of a reason for him doing a bad job acting. What do you think?

Can you balance these equations an make them total ionic compounds AND net ionic equations?? *sigh* so hard...

omg! Thank so very much for answering that question!! Now I won't fail chemistry and I can get my work done...and thanks Eri for asking it!! T.T thank you!!

This or That :: Candy Edition ;D?

snickers, reeces, skittles, kisses, dum dums, york patties, worms, twizzlers, chocolate bunnies, milk duds. milky way, sourpatch, mint, chocolate. milkshake, popsicles(:

What kind of people do these names remind you of?

what is wrong with you!!!! waylon on a sweet girl!!!? Or Mccoy???!! or Gypsy!!!? Are you a nutjob!!!?? i cant even believe that you are telling the truth!!! horrid!!! and good thing your not really pregnant because you would be hearing frm me about it!!! only 18!!? you dont need to think of no babby names yet!!! go to school!!! I feel bad for any child you have if you wanna name them made up words like abilen!!! horrid!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Iwant to move from N ireland to the Republic of Ireland is it wise to buy a property now or is there any chance that house prices will fall further.

Is Bob Davidson (umpire that made the horrible "foul" call) blind?

It looks like he didn't even bother to look at the ball to see where it landed. That is unacceptable for MLB, I believe close disputed fielding calls should be able to go under instant replay.

Will Sammy Sosa make the Hall of Fame?

609 homers, 1667 rbi, three 60+ homerun seasons, he was never directly linked to steroids like Mark McGwire, who like Clemens ruined their reputation but Sammy played last year in his farewell tour & finished on his own terms with some good respect. Will he make the hall of fame on the first ballot in 2013? or ever?

AFL-Where to sit at Aurora Stadium?

I'm not going there to see Hawthorne, where is the place where the away team sits?? Is it normally the Northern stand?

Is the coincidence of Jackson & Fawcett dying the same day a contrived repeat of OJ & Nicole Simpson?

Jackson and Fawcett weren't divorced and Jackson didn't cut her throat. I can't begin to image where you see any coincidence here at all.

Wiping USB flash drive. How many pes?

Hi, I read hard drives magnetic like the ones in your computer need to have about 7 pes so that data previously on the drive isn't even recoverable by forensic tools like electronic microscopes. (you who don't understand, a hard drive still holds data even if you deleted the file. so long to copy a file but deleting it takes 1 second. It's because Windows just says file off the drive's table of contents but the file is still on the drive. Special software can recover the file but so let's overwrite the drive with another file. Now the software can't recover it. That's what wiping. It takes all deleted files and wipes with random 1s and 0s. But not end of story. Special equipment that government uses look at drive and see data bit on drive isn't a 1 or a 0. It's 0.8. The government &high end recovery labs use microscope. 0.8 means the data in previous file was a 0, but now it's a 1. A 0.4 means it is sometimes a 1 mostly a 0. So the idea is garble 7 pes.) How many wipes for flash?

Do communities of faithful believers delude themselves into thinking they worship exactly same god?

Seminal religious organizations fracture into denominations, variations, combinations and permutations, because no two individuals, no two communities of faithful believers, no two ideological authorities, no two denominations have exactly the same way of ornamenting a model of self and world with myth. Rather than seeking to compel all to unite under one model of self and world, I will advocate diversity, variety, and freedom of expression.

Where , ever, did so many here get the umption that anything short of Attila the Hun was unwilling to work?

I do believe that this in and of itself is the highest insult. So, the umption is that people who demand some performance from their government, after all what else have they been good for the past 8 years other than "protecting" us from yet another mive wave of knife wielding fanatics to the tune of trillions of dollars while they invaded false territories and lost billions that have yet been accounted for? I'll tell you what right we have, M.F., we have the right to ask that our borders be honored, our dollar, Treasury and national dignity be protected rather than the rights of some foreign dictatorships. How do you like them apples, right wingers?

What is Leonardo missing at Milan?

For 67M E Kaka wasn't sold cheaply; I'd say it's just about right for him. They missing way more than just Kaka, they need full backs as Zambrotta and Janvo are Grandpops, they need a strong guy up front to support Pato (Hunter doesn't appear to be that guy and Inzaghi is well....old) and they need a midfielder that would inject speed and creativity like Hernanes from Sao Paulo.

How to build interest in 4D chess?

Lately I've been thinking a lot about playing 4d chess (i.e. move along: x, y, z axis plus time)...i've found many discussions on various websites with many variations on theoretical rules, boards, etc...however, the general response seems to be that it would be too complicated...i'm quite interested in 4d chess and would love to interact with others that are as well...i'm not a computer programmer or anything like that, so i wouldn't be able to do any of that stuff, but if a group of us could agree upon and establish all of the rules, etc...then maybe we could have someone build it and try to get others involved as well...my basic idea was three full size chess boards stacked where the pieces all begin on the middle board in their normal starting positions (beginner game)...for the 4th dimension (time), players could time-out pieces that would reappear later...the time move would be considered the player's move for that turn, however when the piece were to reappear the player would still be able to move that one, or another piece as part of their turn...also, if the square where the piece were to reappear, were to be now occupied by another piece, the the reappearing piece would capture the enemy piece...it should be noted that at the time a player were to choose their "reappear spot" it could not be, at that time, occupied by another piece...if playing on a real chess board, players would be required to write down their "reappear spot" on a paper to be displayed at the time of the reappearance...another variation would be to allow pawns to eat other pieces along the z axis as well as their conventional method...the z axis could be used in conjunction with the regular forwards/backwards move, where the player would only be allowed to jump from one board to another at a time, but could avoid being blocked by another piece in doing so...however, they could not move, for example, down one level to avoid being blocked and then in the same turn move back up to the original plane....anyways, these are just some ideas...i'd love to hear more from others about laying down official rules and trying to build interest in 4d chess

Regardless of your political affiliation, isn't having elementary school kids sing to the president....?

a little creepy? I mean, come on. This is America with a "c" not a "k." We don't literally praise our leaders.

What's the Arabic word for "donkey?" Is it as offensive as "kalb?"?

I've heard of a word for donkey in Arabic similar in use to كلب but I can't remember what it is. This would have been in Palestine. Also, if there is one relevant to Syria, that would be good, too. Thanks

John and Edward???????????

I know! I totally agree with all you said. For one, I really am mad at all their haters because I think even though J&E don't show it, it gets to them a bit. I mean, there they are trying to sing on a huge stage and grown adults are booing them and the judges are saying that "3-10 year olds love them"...okay, I'm 17 and I adore them. They are unique and funny, and even if they don't win, it's going to be BORING without them on the show...Danyl whining around and all that rubbish. Lucy will end up in some girl band and make a nice song. But J&E for the win!

Sixth graders should not have recess RESEARCHING HELP!?

well its nice ur taking a risk but i think you should be pro its much more facts that you can base ur essay on with the fact that obesity is huge nd our kids need recess with all the news related articles out today you could surely get a great grade if you were pro

Heating with thin flexible tubes?

I live in a very large house (30 college students) and the boiler just broke , resulting in a 60 thousand dollar replacement. I once read about a system that eliminates radiators and heats through thin flexible pipes that you install through the walls. In each room there is a tiny hole where the heat comes out. It is supposedly very effective. I'm looking for any information about it because I can't even find a website about it. Thanks

Answer the following :?

Are you serious or delirious with this? I can only answer common sense and this equation of yours is utter complications and, in order to figure out a problem of this nature is to go to the insane asylum till you get it right. I only only wonder if you believe in U.F.O.'s.

Do you need to know the software they use?

you definately need to know the software they use and if they are using it to connect to the WWW or LAN or just a private server with information only the company needs/accesses. or all 3!

What do you think goes on during the commercial breaks of 'American Idol'?

Does anyone know for sure??? Do Simon and Ryan crack jokes? Does the audience do rounds of "the wave"? Does Paula get another shot of whatever meds she's on??? hmmmm...I wonder...

Is this asthma or bronchitis?

I have had a cough for the past month. I have been going to the doctors like once a week. I've had to be on three different antibiotics. I will have a coughing spell that will last awhile and to a point where i can't breathe very well. is this asthma or bronchitis?

First time flyer and scared to death?

My husband and I are going to Florida next month. Neither of us have ever flown before and we don't know what to expect at all. We are departing from STL to ATL then to MCO in Orlando. I have tons of questions. What do we do as soon as we get to the airport? Do we get our bags in ATL and then check them in before we fly to MCO? What should we bring on the airplane? I just have this big fear of the unknown. Please help me figure out we need to do.

I have clinical depression. But I'm sick of not doing anything whenever it comes...?

Just staying in a dark room in sadness all day isn't gonna help, and I've got midterms next week, and when I'm like this I feel like I can't do anything. So I was hopin if ya'll could throw out some idea of how to have a good time that involves something LEGAL, No Alcohol, and not prank calling someone.

How about them T-wolves?

Yea they won 4 in row, but they need to win consistenly to get into the 8 seeds, I think they won't be able to get in because wins and losses are too far away, but if they did that earlier they would have had a chance, but you never know anything is possible

I don’t understand why no one has done this?

Well some TV Providers do have "parental" controls... but you are right, there really does seem to be little regard for morals in the TV world which, consequently, means little regard for morals in the real world.

Oven noise after turned off?

Take a look at your oven to see who the manufacturer is, then go on-line and google the manufacturer. Once found, go on-line to that manufacturer's web-site and download the owner's manual. That way you will have on hand the manual to operating your oven.

Help - can't download Kamisama Hajimemashita 14?

Hi. I went to a href="http://aerandria.net/projects/current/kamisama_hajimemashita" rel="nofollow"http://aerandria.net/projects/current/ka…/a to download chapter 14 but the words aren't in the underlined, blue "hyperlink" text that you can click to download the chapter. even when i click the "cookie" next to it, the chapter doesn't download. It isn't on onemanga.com yet, so can anyone download it and then email as attachment? (can email me by visiting profile)

Im looking for new music?

If you listen to Anberlin, you'll like Skillet, Pillar, Demon Hunter (they're intense), and Thats it

Help w/ overprotective mom!!?

You will just have to tough it out until you are 18 and can move out on your own or move away for college. Mother will be controlling and overbearing until you break the cycle. I've realized that the hard way and if it continues it will create disharmony and bitterness between the two of you in the years to come.

Did Howard Stern's voice get deeper?

In his shows before Sirius he has an almost high pitched nervous quack. On Sirius he sounds like an electronically mutated Shakespearean baritone. What gives?

Mr. Brightside Lyric?

On The Killers song Mr. Brightside, there is a lyric that my friend and I have been arguing over for months now. When the lead singer, Brandon Flowers, sings "Jealousy, turning saints into the sea. *unknown* through sick lullabies. choking on your ........" What is the *unknown* word? I hear Swimming while my friend hears churning.

What would you do in her position?

o.k. my sister and her girlfriend have been hiding their relationship from their parents.....for about 3 months now.... well my sister told our mom she had a boyfriend (total lie) and her girlfriends parents have no clue she is gay... well had no clue... and on saturday her mother(sister's girlfriends mom) walked in and caught the two making out... and all hell broke loose she started crying and everything!!! my sister is only a freshman so she can't just buy an apartment .... they say they're going to get married in 3 years BUT it's hurting the family... kinda like romeo and juliet except two juliets... im o.k. with it as long as they don't have to much PDA around me... what should she do?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

New Bill has been introduced for bail out,thoughts feelings concerns?

We should march in lockstep with our Socialist President Bush. This is no time for liberal "emotions". We do NOT feel their pain.